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You are viewing Cheat Codes for BeyBlade - Super Tournament Battle

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Game Name : BeyBlade - Super Tournament Battle
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2004-09-13 14:25:06
Views : 30815

The Strongest Beyblade
To have the strongest beyblade, get these parts.

bit chip:flash leopard
attack ring:cross attacker gamma
weigth disk:magne weigth disk gamma
spin gear:neo left spin gear nmv gamma
bey base:viper metal ball base gamma
luncher:neo reverse luncher

Best Beyblade
Use Dragon Breaker Gamma Attack Ring, Star Attack Gamma Weight Disk, NEO Right Spin Gear Gamma Spin Mgear, Custom Grip Gamma Base, any Ultimate Launcher, and any Bit Beast.

Play As Gordo
Unlock Daichi then play free battle 1,000 times. Then, go to tournament mode. You should fight him on the second round. He is at level 250 and has 700 HP. He will still have Orthrus.

Play As Jim
unlock Gordo, Queen, Joseph, and Zeo. Then, defeat him in the Preliminaries.

Play As Joseph
Play Four Player Battle Royal with as Ozuma and the CPU as Dunga, Mariam, and Daichi 300 times. Then, play tournament mode 20 times. On the 20th time, you will fight him in the finals.

Play As Ozuma And Others
To battle or play as Ozuma, Dunga, Marium, Goki, Kane, Max, Ray, Kai, Tyson, and Kenny, play free battle. You can also be yourself but you cannot battle yourself.

Play As Queen
Unlock King, Zeo, and Gordo. Then, win tournament mode 300 times. You should face her in the semi-finals. She is at level 1675 and has 999 HP. Instead of having Gabriel, she has Ariel.

Play As Zeo
Unlock everybody and buy every single item in the shop. Then, play tournament mode 80 times. On the 80th time, you should fight Zeo in the finals. He will now be unlocked. Zeo's Cerberus is extremely strong. He is at level 999 and has 850 HP.

Select Commentator
Select any mode except tournament, then press L or R at the player selection screen to select DJ, Kenny, or Tyson as the commentator.

Play As Salima
Unlock Queen, Gordo, Joseph, Zeo, andJim. Then, defeat her in the preliminaries.

Dragoon V2 Booster Pack
Win the Tournament once, then talk to DJ in the lobby. Win the Tournament again and go back to DJ to get the Dragoon V2 Booster Pack.

Stronger hit
Immediately press A when you hit your opponent to do slightly more damage.

Play as King
Defeat King in tournament mode. Win the tournament to unlock him as a playable character.

Get Dual Dragoon bit beast
Beat the national championship once and talk to DJ in the lobby, and he'll give you the Dual Dragoon bit chip.

Unlock Daichi
In order to unlock the little guy Daichi, you have to defeat him in Tournament Mode. When you defeat Daichi and win the tournament (he'll randomly appear), he will join your roster.

Use the DJ
In order to use the DJ (that's right, the announcer!) you have to defeat DJ in the tournament. I believe you cannot have any "Try agains" in order to get this character. If you're using DJ, Kenny or Tyson will be the announcer.

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